
Home Cooking by the Numbers

I’ve been noticing internet adds for companies that offer home delivery of ready-to-cook boxed meals of pre-portioned ingredients and simple instructions.   It’s similar to the paint by numbers kits sold in hobby shops and it makes sense  for chefs who might not have the time or energy to visit the supermarket.  Such services include […]

Trayvon Martin Earns College Degree

When Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain,  received an honorary degrees from Johns Hopkins he quipped that he appreciated the honor but wondered if the public would “have full confidence in a college that didn’t know how to spell John.”  I wonder what Clemens would have had to say about the degree being conferred […]

Cherry Pi Pie

A little late for Pi Day 2017 but I’m practicing for 2018.

Yuri’s Night 2017

Happy Yuri’s Night 2017.  It was 56 years ago today that Yuri Gagarin successfully completed humanity’s  first orbital flight of the Earth.  Strange to think but April 12th 1961 is now just about midway between the present day and the Wright brother’s first powered flight.  Soon spaceflight will be considered a part of early aviation.

Pious Athletes

We’ve all seen it before.  An athlete wins a gold medal, or one of those ridiculously oversized diamond-studded Super Bowl rings, and displaying his newly acquired bling to a television audience of millions he demonstrates what a humble soul he is by crediting God for his victory.  It goes something like this, “Thank you Lord […]

Pi Day Cupcakes

March 14th is a date on which we have two very important events to celebrate.  The birth of Albert Einstein and Pi Day.  These Pi Day cupcakes were prepared for my astronomy students by the good people at Kara’s Cupcakes in Palo Alto.  From bottom to top the flavors are; raspberry dazzle, vanilla chocolate, and […]

Obamacare Repeal and Revenge

The Trump administration has released their proposed replacement for the Affordable Care Act.  Was it everything  Mr. Trump promised it would be?  Not exactly.  As one of the 20 million previously uninsured Americans who have benefited from Obamacare I have a vested interest.  Repeal is the last thing I want. 

Childhood Leukemia

Occasionally a photograph will have such devastating power that you know you’ll never be able to get it out of your mind no matter how hard you might try.  A few days ago I happened across such an image.  Jessica Medinger posted a heartbreaking picture of her ten year old son.  Drake has been battling […]

Trump’s War with the Media

Recently at a rally in Florida Donald Trump uttered these eloquent and immortal words,  “Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln and many of our greatest presidents fought with the media and called them out often times on their lies.”  That’s slick indeed, Donald Trump is comparing himself to our nation’s greatest leaders.   Our President […]

Congratulations SpaceX

It was a rare and thrilling morning. I watched a live stream of the successful launch and the first stage recovery of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket as it lofted its Dragon cargo spacecraft into orbit on a mission to the International Space Station.  This was the first flight to arise from the Kennedy Space […]